Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Give Thanks

I am grateful for....
remembering to cut the onions for my homemade stuffing the night before (a was crying like a baby),

a warm house with a big table to gather around with family for a Thanksgiving feast (that is my Christmas wreaths converted to Thanksgiving - you couldn't even tell, could ya?),

my first turkey and homemade gluten-free stuffing (I actually burned most of the stuffing while I was trying to broil it, this was as much as I could salvage),


a delicious meal with great company giving thanks to our Heavenly Father,

Avy's face in this picture,

Joseph's first look at the Plymouth Rock (he wasn't really that impressed- "It is a rock"),

the Plymouth Rock that wasn't discovered until 120 yrs later by a priest that didn't even live in Plymouth (um, is there something a bit wrong with that? Haha!),

the Mayflower and those pilgrims that were brave enough to leave everything they had ever known for religious freedom and establishing a nation where religion can be practiced freely,

the good laugh after getting our picture taken with Plymouth's first governor (I think the kind lady that took it missed a important feature of the statue).
 It was a wonderful Thanksgiving because I spent the whole day with the people I love most - my family.  I am SO blessed with a family that loves each other.

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